Starch and Flour Business

Operated by Ubon Sunflower Company Limited (UBS)

Leading manufacturer and distributor of cassava starch and cassava flour Gluten-free and recognized as the world’s leading manufacturer and distributor of organic starch

Food Grade

Capacity of Starch

700 tons/day

Fresh Cassava

2,800 tons/day

Capacity of flour

100 tons/day

Starch and Flour Products

Tapioca Starch and Organic Tapioca Starch
Cassava Flour and Organic Cassava Flour
Modified Tapioca Starch
แป้งมันสำปะหลังสายพันธุ์เหนียว (waxy tapioca starch)

Tapioca Starch

Good Quality Tapioca Starch under the trademark "Ubonsunflower", produces 2 grades of tapioca starch i.e., food grade and industrial grade, with a production capacity of 700 tons/day, and raw materials used for the production of fresh cassava 2,800 tons/day. Approximately 100,000 tons of tapioca starch is exported each year, with the largest market being China. The tapioca starch is used in the high-quality paper and food industries. There are also exports of high-quality flour (infection control) to the American and European markets for use in the food industry as well.

Ubonsunflower website

Ubonsunflower website

Cassava Flour

Cassava flour under the Tasuko brand is produced from 100% organic tapioca roots through the selection of good quality raw materials by a team of experts. Gluten-free cassava flour can be used for cooking and baking as well as wheat flour and also has unique properties such as color, smell, taste, and texture close to wheat flour, which is suitable for general consumers, both allergic and non-allergic to gluten. It has been certified according to international standards as well as international organic standards.

Tasuko products

Tasuko products

Certification Standards