UBE collaborates with NSTDA and the Ubon Ratchathani Province Agriculture Department to provide comprehensive training for NCDC members on utilizing organic fertilizer based on soil analysis data. This initiative aims to promote organic farming practices, marking the beginning of the 66/67 season.

Ubon Bio Ethanol Public Company Limited or UBE, led by Ms. Kanporn Karnasuta, Executive Vice President, Corporate Sustainability and Government Affairs, along with a network of organic agriculture promoters and the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) led by Mr. Chawin Pleumcharoen, a technology transfer academic, the Agricultural Technology and Innovation Management Institute (AGRITEC) participated as speakers in a training session aimed at expanding research on the use of organic fertilizers based on soil analysis values for organic cassava cultivation. The event was honored by the presence of Mr. Thiraput Khanthong, Agriculture Officer of Ubon Ratchathani Province, who chaired the opening ceremony. The training included activities such as setting up a soil inspection table and demonstrating techniques for using soil analysis tools and interpreting the results. The goal was to promote the organic cultivation of cassava by utilizing organic fertilizers according to soil analysis values, thereby reducing costs and increasing yields for organic cassava farmers. This event took place on April 3, 2024, at the Phra Phirun Conference Room 1 and Kaset Tum Home Building 2014, Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Agriculture Office.
These activities represent a collaboration between the public and private sectors to disseminate crucial knowledge to farmers, aimed at increasing organic cassava production. Key topics covered include soil sample collection, the use of soil analysis tools, and interpreting soil analysis results. The target group includes members of the Community Fertilizer Soil Management Center, organic cassava farmers, and plant protection officials from 13 districts, totaling 52 participants.
In 2023, model farmers tested the application of organic fertilizers based on soil analysis values on 36 plots. The results showed increased production and improved soil fertility. In Tan Sum District, Ubon Ratchathani Province, a prototype plot underwent soil analysis before planting, and organic fertilizer was applied according to the soil analysis values over an area of 1 rai. The average weight of a cassava plant increased from 2.2 kilograms to 3.84 kilograms, a 74.55 percent increase. The average number of cassava heads per plant rose from 13.2 to 15, a 13.64 percent increase. The average yield per rai increased from 4.6 tons to 7.2 tons, a 56.52 percent increase, and the average starch content rose from 26 percent to 27 percent.
As a direct buyer of cassava from farmers, UBE is committed to enhancing the potential and quality of life for cassava farmers. This commitment is embodied in the Ubon Model Plus project, which has successfully established a strong foundation and created model organic cassava farmers in Ubon Ratchathani Province. Building on this success, the initiative is being expanded through the “Northeast S2 Models Plus Innovation Project,” covering Ubon Ratchathani, Yasothon, Amnat Charoen, and Sisaket provinces. The project's objective is to create stability in raw material supply while transferring knowledge on organic farming and contract farming to participating farmers. The project guarantees that the price of organic cassava will be higher than that of conventional cassava and promotes access to technology and production inputs for farmers. This includes providing weed control solutions and biological substances like PGPR3 to enhance plant growth. The aim is to develop model farmers who can utilize these concepts, technologies, and innovations to influence fellow organic cassava farmers, enabling them to process raw materials into valuable products and meet global market demands.